a couple of guys discussed the need for a beef club and at great risk we set about with a “Breed of the month” plan, which was then served to a rapidy growing number of “beef junkies”.
The Beef Club now boasts a membership of more than 200 members with a data base of over 700 additional subscribers.
As the monthly lunch (held on the first Monday of the month) is limited to 80 people, every meeting is fully booked.
Farmers and producers are welcome to discuss and present their product to the Beef Club.
To date the Beef Club has enjoyed breeds such as;
Afrikaaner, Angus, Beefmaster, Bonsmara, Brangus, Drakensberger,
Nguni, Pinzgauer, Senepol, Simmentaler, Sussex, Wagyu
Other lunches have included:
Grass vs grain, Venison – Game meat, Nose to tail, Lamb from Emfulweni Feedlot, Pork from Lynca Meats, Rib tasting, Lamb on the spit, Hamburger tasting
The media partner is Farmers Weekly.
Sponsors are welcome.
If you are interested in learning more and joining us on the Ultimate beef club let us know and we can sign you up to our notifications.
Parktown North:
50 7th Ave, Parktown North
Nairobi, Kenya
Village Market Centre, Gigiri, Nairobi